Specters & Spurs demo now available!

The demo/quickstart for Specters & Spurs: Tales from the Weird, Wild, and Wicked West is now available for download! It has been an absolute whirlwind of writing and layout getting this together, but I'm excited and proud to share it with the world! The Specters & Spurs quickstart contains all the basic rules needed to play, including all 13 playbooks, and some tips for getting started for tables not familiar with PbtA games.

Designwise, I've tried to make sure every player option is interesting. They might not all be balanced — and I'm happy to hear feedback on that, see below — but I tried to make sure that even moves that give simple mechanical bonuses do so by setting up narrative beats or encouraging certain modes of play, to keep the game moving. Player choices should be impactful and resonant with the fantasy offered by the playbook and the game itself.

The full book is in development, and will include details on all the player options, gear and magic item lists, guidelines for town and mystery creation, example towns and mysteries, and other goodies you might expect from a PbtA game. I'm also working on the team Reputation sheet, which will offer the players the chance to customize their group and gain slight bonuses as their posse continues to take down monsters and saves the day.

I'm hoping the full book won't take too long, as I intend to keep it fairly barebones (as I am just one person, after all). Check back here for updates, and please feel free to send me feedback on the quickstart, especially with regards to balance, text that needs clarification, or the layout and design. Positive feedback is also good, so I know where I'm succeeding. (You can leave feedback on the Community discussion board or DM me on Twitter.)

Thanks so much for your interest, and have fun in the Weird, Wild, and Wicked West!

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The game looks fantastic and I plan on running this with my group sometime, is there anymore about the world you could share?

Thanks so much, that's awesome to hear! Since the setting is designed to be customized to the table's preferences, I can't give many specifics, but I am (very slowly!) working on the full book, which will have some sample locations and mysteries for inspiration.

At the base level, the world is the American frontier in the latter half of the 19th century (so about 1850–1900), but with the addition of whatever flavors of weirdness you and your players find most interesting. Personally, I started this project with a sort of Shadowrun-esque mix of reality and fantasy in mind, where genre staples like elves, dwarves, dragons, and wizards were integrated into the world on the same level as caravans, outlaws, six-shooters, and steam trains. Throw in some mad science a la Frankenstein and Wild Wild West and you've got a lot to work with.

To start, I'd suggest asking your group what kinda stuff they'd be interested in, picking one or two of those elements to focus on for your first session, and expanding from there! The world is yours to explore and evolve.